DOW8NT FAOL AESLIY4P.# Don't fall asleep. AYM RAH5NIHNX AW4T AHV WEY7ZQ TUX AE4SK YUW TUX KLIH9KQ DHAX BAH9TUN# I'm running out of ways to ask you to click the button. PLIY5Z KLIH1K, AYM GEH5TIHNX BOH3ERDQ.# Please click, I'm getting bored. WHAHT AAR YUW WEY2TIHNX FOHR.# What are you waiting for? YUW KAEN KLIHKQ DHAX BAH4TUN TUX KAANTIH6NYUW.# You can click the button to continue. GOH5 AE/HEH3D, PREH5S DHAX MAW5S BAH3TUN# Go ahead, press the mouse button. LEH6TS GEH5T AO4N WIH2TH DHAX REY2SIHNX.# Lets get on with the racing. PLIY7Z KLIH5KQ DHAX2 MAW5S BAH3TUN# Please click the mouse button. AY3M WEY7TIHNX FOHR AH KLIH4K.# I'm waiting for a click.